Teen Wolf is a teen drama series produced in the United States by the MTV station. It aired from 2011 to 2017 and Jonathan Hall was responsible for the production's cinematography. The series was kept in the fantasy genre with comedic elements, which added an interesting touch to the whole production. 

The story is about a shy teenager named Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) from Beacon Hills High School, who one evening, curious about unexplained events in the nearby forest, goes there to see them with his own eyes. There he is bitten by an Alpha werewolf, which changes his life forever. Since then, he and his best friend eccentric Styles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brian) have to face werewolf hunters and other paranormal creatures. The seemingly shy teens have amazing adventures while making new friends and forming a pack to work together to protect the town from evil while discovering their new abilities. 

This series is definitely one of the favourites when it comes to many teenagers all over the world ( mine too :) ). It's impossible to get bored with it because it constantly surprises us with new stories and obstacles that appear on the way of the characters. The characters themselves gain our sympathy from the first episode, which makes us feel connected to them and cheer for them until the last one. Not to be so perfect, there are also sad and touching moments that bring us even closer to the characters. Such moments show the enormous power of friendship, which is able to survive even the worst moments in the lives of young people. 

I could recommend this series to anyone who likes fantasy series, but not only. I think it will gain sympathy of many people who like light stories about exceptional teenagers broken with dark elements from their mysterious lives of supernatural beings. 

If you have watched this series, please share your opinion with us in the comments below ! <3


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